Welcome to LOVE ACTION TRANSFORMATION. If you want to know what this Web site is all about, please re-read the paragraph above and pay special attention to the words of advice of Jesus the Christ, because that’s what my site LOVE ACTION TRANSFORMATION, my books, my products and everything I do are all about. That is: to help those who are truly searching to find the Mysteries of Light to find them. Those Mysteries are written in our physical makeup and are the only thing that will transform a human being from being just a mortal into the Eternal, Unlimited Being with Unlimited Potentials of Being that we have the potential to Become, but that we haven’t yet developed into.
I want to emphasize to the visitors of LOVE ACTION TRANSFORMATION that Jesus is not talking here of something ‘out of reach that is somewhere over the rainbow’, but He is talking quite clearly about a real, dynamic, transforming and purifying biological experience that can be awakened within us and that is vital for our Transformation. That experience of the Great Mystery of Life was revealed to me during and after a ‘near-death experience’ that changed my life, which I practice every single second of my Life. This experience unifies all religions in One Essential Truth and purifies a human being by gradually merging its consciousness with the Divine Spark dwelling within them thus changing its body into refined Light. Then everything makes sense and you start to Know who you truly Are! The Transformation is immediate, as immediate as when you turn the light switch on in a dark room and then you see everything clearly. It is like finding the ‘missing piece’ of the puzzle of Life that gives sense to all there is. It is the greatest Experience that a human being can, and will ever have! It is in short the recuperation of our Divine Nature.
That’s how I became a pioneer in the field of Personal Alchemy, also known as the Science of Self-Transformation. My books can each be described as a unique journey of self-exploration that links Ancient Wisdom, Modern Physics and the Unlimited You. For those searching for an answer to the most important questions about their self and the purpose of life, an open doorway is presented via my books and products; therein, lies information meant to raise the consciousness of the reader into alignment with the transformative power of Love. This raised consciousness gradually helps anyone who is willing to grow beyond his or her limits to uncover their True Identity – that of an Unlimited Being, with Unlimited Potentials of Being. Reading any of these books is like taking the first steps on your own personal Grail Adventure, listening to the CD is helping you to recuperate your true Identity and watching the DVD is helping you to be healthy and generate your non-molecular body.
Many people ask, like the Brahamic priest searching for Wisdom who asked, Where is the Kingdom?The answer hidden in this childlike story tells us in a simple way how everything began, how we lost ourselves and how to find our way back to Happyland. A real treat for the soul and a great gift.
Vivian Greene who first published this little book said, 'What is ‘Home to Happyland’all about? Where is Happyland? 'Like the Brahamic priest searching for wisdom, who asked, ‘Where is the Kingdom?’ The answer is: not far away. . . but within you. ‘Home to Happyland’ brought me both tears and laughter when I first heard it in Sat-sang’. Tears when I recognized that I was one of the lost children without the magic mirror and had no idea of how to get back home; laughter to see how silly I was, for I was sitting in 'Sat-sang’ which is where we learn how to get back home. That’s what ‘Home to Happyland’ is all about!
My book The Return of The Little Prince is not only what it appears to be - a sequel to The Little Prince, the whimsical story written by my uncle Antoine De Saint-Exupery, where myth and poetry mix with reality and speak to us of the Eternal in an innocent, childlike manner - but a true real to life testimonial account of that magic moment when the quest to find the invisible spark of life that gives meaning to everything there is happened in our lives, because his story as well as mine are both true. Myth and Poetry mix with reality and speak to us of the search for the Eternal in an innocent illumined and sensitive manner. A must read book for those who are searching to find themselves.

Books / Products
Christmas: The Christ-Jesus Event that Changed Human Evolution
Planet X The Apocalypse And Current Events
Jesus: His Magical Infancy and Childhood Miracles
The Grail When The Legend Becomes Real
Jesus Pristine Teachings Master Key to Illumination
A Historic Search for the Face of Jesus
The Secret Life of Mary Magdalene
The Apocalypse Compared to Current Events
The Exact Computation of 666
The Number of the Antichrist Unveiled
The Era of the Antichrist
(5 x 8, b/w)
The Ultimate Orgasm vs. The Selfish Gene