Featured New Release

Authored by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $50.00
5.5" x 8.5"
Full Color
Available in Kindle Edition
At last! ‘Jesus Epichristianity, Divesting Jesus from Christianity’ offers to all humans, no matter what their religious denomination may be a most needed view of Jesus the Christ, this extraordinary Being who elevated humanity to Divinity and conquered humanity’s worst enemies, the ego system and Death with one single weapon, Love Power. This small book’s insight of Jesus elevates the human mind to dimensions far beyond the confinement and limitations of the common human understanding.
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The Era of the Antichrist
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $45.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
352 pages
The Era of the Antichrist is more than just a book; it is a prophecy being fulfilled daily, corroborated in our daily news, magazines, newspapers, etc. This is not a strange coincidence as we now live in the Era of the Antichrist. The Era of the Antichrist is a living book whose events are taking place via both visible and invisible events, revealing the mysteries of the self and its link to the Antichrist.
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The Era of the Antichrist
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $18.50
5" x 8"
Black and White
492 pages
The Era of the Antichrist is more than just a book; it is a prophecy being fulfilled daily, corroborated in our daily news, magazines, newspapers, etc. This is not a strange coincidence as we now live in the Era of the Antichrist. The Era of the Antichrist is a living book whose events are taking place via both visible and invisible events, revealing the mysteries of the self and its link to the Antichrist. These secrets and mysteries have been hidden for thousands of years, and their understanding is paramount for the survival of the soul in the twenty-first century. In short it awakens an awareness of the forces, that work within and without us, to influence our daily lives.
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Planet X The Apocalypse and Current Events
Authored by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $45.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color on White paper
266 pages
Planet X The Apocalypse And Current Events rings a bell well beyond the confines of just the Seven Churches which John intended his message for. . . No other document in history has managed to express so urgently that we are on the verge of facing a chaotic end; or to conjure up such a picture of the glorious future that awaits the 144.000 Children of Light who will endure the horrors of the final and decisive conflict between the Forces of Light and Darkness on planet Earth.
The combination of pictures of the 14th Century manuscript and photos of current events that Ysatis De Saint-Simone has used in her book The Planet X The Apocalypse And Current Events are alarmingly similar to each other; they warn us in their uncanny pictorial silence to be aware that we are already living in those times when indeed the things described in the book of John are happening around us.

Christmas: The Christ-Jesus Event That Changed Human Evolution
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $25.00
5.5" x 8.5"
Full Color
154 pages
Beyond Science, Beyond Religion, Beyond Compare! This intriguing book, ‘Christmas The Christ-Jesus Event that Changed Human Evolution’ by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone reveals to us a well-guarded secret that will indeed change your life for it is connected to our own evolution. A great mystery contained in this Heavenly-Earthly Event that is Christmas, the birth of the Cosmic Power of the Christ in the human form of Jesus of Nazareth. A Grand Event that changed the count of Time, History and human Evolution.
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Jesus His Magical Infancy and Childhood Miracles
Authored by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $21.00
6" x 9"
Full Color
126 pages
Jesus His Magical Infancy and Childhood Miracles is a priceless treasure of wisdom rich with stories about Jesus' childhood that most people have never heard, a book that is not only enriching to the soul but also a visual treat as it is illustrated with beautiful photos from the film A Child Called Jesus and extraordinary masterpieces of art related to the stories.
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The Secret Life of Mary Magdalene
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $45.00
6" x 9"
Full Color
286 pages
The word ‘Magdalene’ is understood to mean ‘Remaining Guilty,’ ‘Armed,’ ‘Unconquered’ and ‘Magnificent’. These sorts of meanings point out to the sort of woman she was before of, at the time of, and after her conversion. The uniqueness of the life of Mary Magdalene and the fact that she is the chosen Archetype of a fallen and redeemed humanity is unquestionable; this is why ‘Mary Magdalene, The Secret Life of a Sinner and A Saint’ is a ‘must read’ for any human being who is searching for illumination.
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Is the Moon a Piece of Cheese - The Mourner
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $18.00
6" x 9"
Full Color
80 pages
Theatre Play: What the Author Wants People to Know is that – Is The Moon a Piece of Cheese? The Mourner is a Foolish Bit of Fantasy – Hopefully Entertaining

Jesus Pristine Teachings Master Key to Illumination
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $35.00
5.5" x 8.5"
Full Color
224 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
Jesus Pristine Teachings is a Master Key to the Magnificent Treasure concealed behind the Powerful words legated to mankind by Jesus the Christ Himself and to which they lead us directly to. Jesus Pristine Teachings offers to the reader the words of Jesus as He spoke them, unedited and unchanged. He uttered them with one purpose: to raise our limited material minds to Divine Splendor.

The Return of The Little Prince
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $26.00
5.5" x 8.5"
114 pages
Full Color
Available in Kindle Edition
5" x 8"
116 pages
Black and White Purchase Color Version
Purchase B/W & E-book Version
My book The Return of The Little Prince is not only what it appears to be - a sequel to The Little Prince, the whimsical story written by my uncle Antoine De Saint-Exupery, where myth and poetry mix with reality and speak to us of the Eternal in an innocent, childlike manner - but a true real to life testimonial account of that magic moment when the quest to find the invisible spark of life that gives meaning to everything there is happened in our lives, because his story as well as mine are both true.
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Home to Happyland: A Quantum Story of Creation
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $20.00
5.5" x 8.5"
Full Color
122 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
Vivian Greene who first published this little book said, 'What is 'Home to Happyland' all about? Where is Happyland?' Like the Brahamic priest searching for wisdom, who asked, 'Where is the Kingdom?' The answer is: not far away
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El Retorno de El Principito
Authored by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $30.00
5.5" x 8.5"
Full Color
216 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
El Retorno de El Principito, Este librito pequeño, pero vital para nuestra alma de Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simon, sobrina de Consuelo De Saint-Exupery, es, no solo una secuencia perfecta a la encantadora historia de su tío Antoine de Saint-Exupery, pero su Broche de Oro, ya que cierra la historia de Saint-Exupery con el mismo Espíritu que impregna a El Principito; ya que como Ysatis nos indica, ambos libros son historias verdaderas de cómo sus autores encontraron la mas grande Experiencia Espiritual que un ser humano puede tener, escritas después de ambos haber tenido una experiencia de 'casi-morir'.
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Jesus Stories of His Infancy
Authored by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $10.54
8.5" x 11"
Black and White
144 pages
Jesus Stories of His Infancy is a priceless treasure, rich with stories about Jesus' childhood that most people have never heard. This book is not only enriching to the soul, but also a visual treat containing photos from the film A Child Called Jesus and artistic masterpieces related to the stories. Jesus Stories of His Infancy is a small treasure chest of art, love and divine wisdom, undoubtedly a precious gift and a valuable instrument to teach true values to any child. Who can be a better teacher for children to learn about 'The Golden Rule of Life' than the Great Master of Love when He was just an infant? This book makes a precious gift for birthdays or any other occasion, but especially for Christmas since the story of Bethlehem is recounted as it truly happened.
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The True Christmas Story
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $25.00
5.5" x 8.5"
Full Color
146 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
The information offered in this intriguing book of Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone, The True Christmas Story reveals a well-guarded secret about the Heavenly-Earthly Event that Christmas is vital for us to comprehend regarding our evolution in relation to the Incarnation of the Christ Power in the human form of Jesus of Nazareth. The first Christmas was indeed an Immense Event in which the Cosmic, Divine Power of Life, the Word of God Itself descended to this earth to take form as a man in Jesus of Nazareth to redeem mankind. That is why this Event changed everything on the count of Time, History and human destiny and Evolution. That Event and nothing less is what we celebrate every Christmas.
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The Passion and The Glory
Authored by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $21.34
8.5" x 11"
Black and White
596 pages
There have been numerous accounts of the life of Jesus, but throughout the whole century there has never been a single one published that was written by a woman. The Passion and the Glory The Greatest Love Story Ever Lived is the first account of His Life written from the point of view of a woman, the woman who loved Jesus passionately as a God and as a Man - Mary Magdalene – the woman that God chose to be the universal archetype of humanity's fall and redemption. This is why The Passion and the Glory The Greatest Love Story Ever Lived is of interest to any human being.
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Genesis 2000 A Unified Field for Science and Unlimited Man
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $40.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
276 pages
In her revolutionary book Genesis 2000 A Unified Field for Science and Unlimited Man, Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone offers to us the true sense of Genesis. Genesis as Moses wrote it, as it was originally written by Moses and meant to be Understood, the meaning changes radically as one reads the original text of Moses which was written in pure Hebrew, a hieroglyphic language, derived directly from the Egyptian hieroglyphic language, which was lost six hundred years before Christ. At the time Jesus walked the earth the Jews had already lost this language, they spoke Aramaic.
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Genesis 2000 - The Forbidden Initiatic Version
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $10.95
5" x 8"
Black and White
272 pages
Genesis 2000 - The Forbidden Initiatic Version is based on The Hebrew Tongue Restored, the monumental reconstruction of the original Hebrew Language to its original purity by the French scholar, Fabre d'Olivet - the language in which Moses wrote the book of Genesis - a language lost six hundred years before Christ; and without the Understanding of which no one can know what Moses wrote. Genesis 2000 is a profound spiritual-scientific text offering a Unified Field for Science and Religion, containing information that has never before been published - and for good reason - the segment known by most people as Genesis found in the vulgarly known Bible of today is an altered version of Genesis as Moses Wrote It, very, very far from being an exact translation of Moses' Book of Genesis, which is quite scientific!
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A Historic Search for The Face of Jesus: The True Likeness of God
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $18.00
6" x 9"
Full Color
104 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
A Historic Search for the Face of Jesus presents the powerful physical presence of Jesus - as it was and is - in all its magnificence, for Beauty and Love are two of the attributes of God and He exudes them both.
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The Exact Computation of 666: The Number of The Antichrist Unveiled! Utilizing A Secret Gnostic Code Used by Disciples of St. John in 96 A.D. And now by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone SOSJ
Authored by Dame Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $16.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
76 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
The number 666 has puzzled the theological mind for centuries, actually it has done more than that, for this sole number supposedly hiding the identity of the Antichrist as written in Revelations, has terrified people for almost 2,000 years; and fear blinds human understanding.
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Mary Magdalene The Secret Life Of a Sinner And a Saint
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $45.00
6" x 9"
Full Color
318 pages
The word 'Magdalene' is understood to mean 'Remaining Guilty,' 'Armed,' 'Unconquered' and 'Magnificent'. These sorts of meanings point out to the sort of woman she was before of, at the time of, and after her conversion. The uniqueness of the life of Mary Magdalene and the fact that she is the chosen Archetype of a fallen and redeemed humanity is unquestionable; this is why 'Mary Magdalene, The Secret Life of a Sinner and A Saint' is a 'must read' for any human being who is searching for illumination. She was well born, very rich and renowned for her beauty and very early in her life she was 'possessed by wrath' when she felt rejected by Jesus, the one man she loved passionately.
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The Apocalypse Compared to Current Events
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $45.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
230 pages
The Apocalypse Compared to Current Events rings a bell well beyond the confines of just the Seven Churches which John intended his message for. . . No other document in history has managed to express so urgently that we are on the verge of facing a chaotic end; or to conjure up such a picture of the glorious future that awaits the 144.000 Children of Light who will endure the horrors of the final and decisive conflict between the Forces of Light and Darkness on planet Earth.
The combination of pictures of the 14th Century manuscript and photos of current events that Ysatis De Saint-Simone has used in her book The Apocalypse Compared to Current Events are alarmingly similar to each other; they warn us in their uncanny pictorial silence to be aware that we are already living in those times when indeed the things described in the book of John are happening around us.

The Grail When The Legend Becomes Real
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $48.00
6" x 9"
Full Color
324 pages
The Grail, Its Powers, Meaning and Secrets revealed in a true Grail Adventure, where Supernatural Portents and Wonders happened to the author of The Grail, When the Legend Becomes Real, Ysatis the Saint-Simone, in places charged with Mystery, where once the Grail Cup was hidden! These Portents guided her and two of her friends, to the place where the most evasive and Sacred Relic of Christendom was kept in hiding! Exciting! Otherwordly! Real! and Illuminating! A true exposure of how Divine Powers reward those pure of heart and intention who totally trust in them and their Divine Guidance.

The Ultimate Orgasm vs. The Selfish Gene
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $30.00
6" x 9"
Full Color
236 pages
Unique! Informative! Liberating! De Saint-Simone’s approach to sexual energy is a breath of fresh air, which relieves sex from the Biblical burden of guilt, condemnation and repression, informing us how it can and must be used for our psychological and physical health and ultimate and greater purpose: Man’s transformation and recovery of its Divine Original Nature. She presents sex as a natural drive, a neutral energy, an essential part of an orgastic experience that is an integral part of life and necessary to help man evolve and walk the Path to his ultimate liberation. Sex, as we know it, she says,, reflects only imperfectly a Superior Union, Imperative to find for mankind to recuperate its Divine Original Nature.

Quantum Love: 4 Children, Advanced Scientists, and Others of Their Kind
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $14.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
48 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
Quantum Love is a book that helps us to recuperate a Quantum vision in a very simple and childlike way. A Quantum vision is an essential vision of things that unfortunately we have lost, a way of seeing things that we should have been taught since childhood because it is not only both spiritually and scientifically correct, but it would have indeed helped mankind to have a better life experience.
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The Nutcracker and the Butterfly
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $8.00
8.5" x 11"
Black and White
32 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
Purchase Color Version
The tale partly about life partly about change (good for all adult caterpillars who can read). And for everyone, except for those who have given up completely the idea they can also Become a butterfly and fly! And even they might secretly enjoy it and wake-up!

Hey You! John Smith! Who Are You?
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $15.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
60 pages
Available in Kindle Edition
That just a few minutes spent with John can help anyone to get in touch with who they are identified with and why; and hopefully also with whom they truly are.
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The Stoned Star That Didn't Get Very Far
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $10.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
38 pages
A fun story that shows us not to judge those that according to the world don't 'have it together,' for no one is ever forgotten by Love, and sometimes 'a stoned star that didn't get very far' can find that hidden treasure love is, in the most unexpected manner and then Get Very Far. . .

The White Butterfly and the Collectionist
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $25.00
8.5" x 11"
Full Color
90 pages
An Illustrated Story of the Human Soul
and its Redemption by Love
Original Art Work by the Author
Excellent, Beautiful

The Little Princess
Authored by Ysatis De Saint-Simone
List Price: $10.00
6" x 9"
Full Color
48 pages
A Fairy Tale for the Soul.